Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Blogging Bug

Last night

In my car

I was driving home from Manny's last night when I noticed a huge bug perched on my rear view. I couldn't tell what it was at first, but it was like 2 inches long (which is big for a bug). So I did what any red-blooded American would do: I sped up to 50mph. The wind would definitely send it flying. But no. It clung there in silent defiance. I tried again at the next light. Same thing. Then he started crawling up my windshield. Are you kidding me? It was around this time that I noticed it wasn't some terrifying alien spawn. It was one of those leaf bugs. You know, the ones that have natural camouflage that makes them look like a leaf. I had to give the guy credit. It was pretty ballsy to walk out on my windshield like that. At that point, I decided that the little guy deserved the free ride. I took him all the way back to my apartment. Hope he doesn't terrorize the neighborhood.

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